

planting the broad beans february Broad Beans
I plant one per station with a plastic bottle cloche to protect the plant.

growing well february These seem to provide protection from mice, and other pests, including the weevil, although these little brown insects need to be picked off if they start to serrate the leaves of the plant.

flowering february Successive plantings of all legumes need to be well away from the previous one(s) or diseases spread from ageing plants to the new.Poached Egg Plants encourage predators of blackfly and help to keep this endemic pest at bay.

ladybird february
Here is a great friend. Ladybirds and hoverflies are attracted by the poached egg plants.

saving seeds february
Saving the seeds of this legume is quite easy because they are so big.

updated december2008 Vegetable Guide


Broad Beans: Planting Guide
Sow: Late Feb / Early March
Depth: 4cm
Between Plants: 22cm
Between Rows: 22cm
Harvest: June/July
Dig This:
dib in one per station.
protect with plastic bottle
hand weed around plants
pinch out top if blackfly invade
water if dry when pods growing
Good Companions Poached Egg Plants
Dislike Aliums: the onion family
Varieties I like The Sutton. Jubilee Hysor

saving seeds february
Just poking through

Isn't Walter a star? Any questions or comments? Don't get in a flap, send an e mail winging its way to me.
Click Walter to contact me

URL http://www.digmyplot.co.uk
İfebruary 2007