

garlic netted to stop birds pulling at them when they first appear

february Garlic
I used to follow the "plant on the shortest day and harvest on the longest" maxim as it worked. If you plant them sometime near dec 21 ( the shortest day), you can harvest them on the longest day ( June 21 ish) Any time after the end of October will help the plant to establish a root structure which will help it to grow in spring. However, don't plant it in your planned (next years) onion bed as it may encourage the growth of whiterot which can decimate an entire crop of onions and leave the soil unonionable for years. For this reason ( whiterot is endemic on allotments, I think it is because the old hands did not practice crop rotation) I have given up on the traditional timings and I just put them in at the same time as the shallots: ie end of February beginning of March.


february Method:
Choose a warmish day

Prepare the soil.ie remove weeds and rake it a bit
Split the garlic head into cloves
discard any loose stuff
make a hole with a stick so top of clove will be at least 2" below surface and 6-9" apart
(the bigger the gap the more chance of larger crop)
insert clove pointed end upwards
roots grow from bottom (flattened end), foliage from top (pointed end)
you may need to net against magpies/other birds if they are a problem because they like pulling at things and tend to chop them off.

updated december2008 Vegetable Guide


Garlic: Planting Guide
Sow: late dec/late feb
Depth: 4cm
Between Plants: 15cm
Between Rows: 15cm
Harvest: when ready june/july
Dig This:
sow longest day
ready shortest day
wait if whiterot a problem
hand weed around plants
Good Companions rose(blackspot) brassica tomato fruit trees
Dislike legumes cucumber radish spinach
Varieties I like I get mine from the shop


Isn't Walter a star? Any questions or comments? Don't get in a flap, send an e mail winging its way to me.
Click Walter to contact me

URL http://www.digmyplot.co.uk
İfebruary 2008