Radish I plant Radish seeds straight into the ground. I like French Breakfast and Radish d’Avignon .They are so tasty, freshly picked and sliced, they make a great side salad on their own. They are best picked quite small and grown in succession. By this I mean, as one sowing comes through I try to sow some more, and never too many at once. Do I follow my own advice? Yes, mostly, time and weather permitting.
Tips: By examining the root ends of spoiled radishes I realised that they were being invade by a pest which on close inspection turned out to be a cabbage root fly. With clubroot endemic on an allotment so much for spreading radishes all over the place. Thankfully I never have, nor have I used them to mark parsnip rows, or , worse still, planted them within the concept of catch crops to grow in between rows of later maturing vegetables. Willy nilly radish planting could play havoc with crop rotation. I plant them in the brassica patch, where they belong, after all they do not take up much space
Close up of Fleabeetle courtesy of Mike Richards
Radish: Planting Guide
Late Feb / Early March
Between Plants:
Between Rows:
Dig This:
sow thinly.
thin out and use larger ones
hand weed around plants
plant in succession
Good Companions
Legumes:peas and beans
Varieties I like
French Breakfast, Radish d'Avignon
Radish leaves are often attacked by the tiny flea beetle. It has never stopped the crop growing so it isn't a problem. It also loves rocket, although only in years of severe infestation does it seem to bother with wild rocket. Rocket leaves are still edible although they do not look quite the part for that dinner party.The solution is to allow the wild rocket to grow in a few odd places, so that some plants are unaffected.