Hi, if you grow or want to grow vegetables & fruit organically then this is the site for you. I have an allotment with distinct beds (about four feet wide) so I never walk on the soil. I do not have edging boards since I discovered they just provided a hidey hole for slugs. Having raised beds helps me to rotate the crops to keep the ground free from disease.
Last year's parsnips
I keep my plot chemical free, partly because it's healthier but also because the produce tastes so good, especially when freshly picked. Experts say to keep the time from picking to cooking short with corn, asparagus and peas, but it's true of everything.
My allotment is alive with flowers which attract insects, mainly Pot Marigolds, Californian Poppies and Poached Egg Plants. I have moderated the excesses of my early years when I think I was known as the "Flower Man", but the overall appearance is still rather chaotic compared to most which it is how I like it, because. I have never seen nature establish itself in straight lines, so unless there is a particular reason for it I don't try to plant in too regimented a way. I am also attracted to the idea of companion planting. Sceptics seem to wish to challenge its effectiveness, but I think that anything that looks and feels more natural has got to be beneficial and at the very least can't do any harm.
'This Month' relates to what i will be doing during March. 'Next Month' predicts what I'll be doing in April. 'Dig This' is an archive of my thoughts on various subjects. The latest addition is on my approach to composting. My ideas about individual vegetables may be accessed in the 'Vegetable Guide.
I have started to record a little video every so often which takes a quick tour round the plot. I hope to record one in the next few days. This one is from a few years ago:
I hope you like my website. I update it each month with fresh information and photos.
I love to receive e mails, just click on Walter to send one, especially if you have a comment which will help improve the content. Walter is the carrier pigeon who is always in a flap below.
Updated 6 March 2024Next update 1 April 2024
May your plot grow with you
copyright Chris Smallbone March 2024