
 Review of the Year
To celebrate the first anniversary of the website I have selected some of my favourite photos. The very first edition went out with This Month, Next Month, Dig This and Links in July 2005. Since then numerous buttons have been added, as you can see. The comment I found the most encouraging of all I received was Sue who said “I really like digmyplot, it’s not like a website, it’s like a story”. Thanks Sue. Click
if you would like to view a selection of the feedback I have received. I have also had in excess of 12,000 "hits" since the meter was installed on September 13th.The hitmeter is in the bottom left hand corner of the homepage. You will probably be as amazed as me at how many people have visited the site. We passed the thousand mark on November 24th, five thousand on 9th March and on the 16th May someone from Salisbury made it 10,000 at 22.27pm.
The hitmeter shows some of the details of where the ‘visitors’ are coming from. The site has been visited from various locations all over the country and from around the world.
Bring on the Cream
Come and Get Me
Autumn Bliss
 My friend, the slugfinder general
The shallots are highly strung
propagating fruit bushes
An unwelcome visitor - me!
Chitting the potatoes
Lettuce getting started inside
A welcome sight
french tarragon from Montrejeau
Courgettes and cucumbers flanked by corn
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Of the places recorded, 143 have come from different towns around the UK, 106 from 31 of the United States, and 77 from other countries. I don’t know your identities, but if you want to contact me to let me know, please do. If you click
you will access the list of locations.
Vistors have come from far afield, attracted by a high profile on search engines, especially on Companion Planting and Crop Rotation.Some of the feedback I have received has been very supportive, and some individuals particularly helpful, notably Sally of Allotments UK and Clive of the Soil Association. Thank you all for being so encouraging. Finally without Sylvia I wouldn't even have an allotment, because it was originally the best Christmas surprise present I've ever had. Literally it was years before the tinsel fell off the keys, and metaphorically it never has. Syl's also been a constant source of encouragement in building the website and in casting a critical eye over it each month at the drafting stage.
Florence Fennel
Red Onion: so versatile in salads
Welsh onions seeding themselves
A surprise: Jerusalem artichokes
Horsetail Gulch, a perennial problem
A raised bed, in its infancy
Overwintering salad onions ready for spring
Onion sets and shallots
Spring is here
2, Rosemary Cuttings
The first signs of growth
Earthed up early potatoes
Click Walter to contact me