updated march2020

this month: what to do updated every month

next month: what to do updated every month

practical details on how to begin

Vegetable Guide

Companion Planting

Crop Rotation


weeds: common annuals& perennials

slugs and snails

a fresh, detailed, topical item of interest updated every month

photo review of the year

recipes from our chefs Basil and Doyle

fellow plotdiggers share their pictures with us

content and photos updated every month


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Rosemary in flower

~ Rosemary in flower ~ march More Carrots

I shall complete the half bed of carrots with a different, later variety Autumn King as opposed to Nantes which go in earlier.

march Coriander

This usually self seeds, I look out for them, and rub a leaf between my fingers to check its distinctive aroma. I probably won’t need to plant them, but if I do I will plant straight in the ground by scattering rather than in straight rows as I know what they look (and smell!) like.

march Herbs, Various

I will plant herbs like chives, basil, thyme and sage inside, initially in one large pot for each herb & then them prick out into small individual ones.


Welsh Onions

~ Welsh Onions~ march Parsley

I start this off inside using same technique as lettuces. ie I will plant them inside in small pots, a seed in each corner, before transplanting them when large enough. Then they must be protected against slugs by encasement in a plastic bottle cloche.

march Second early & maincrop potatoes

I plant them slightly deeper and further apart than first earlies: view the growing guide by clicking on the table in “This Month”.

march French Marigolds and Sunflowers

I also plant these inside, initially in one large pot like the herbs & then prick them out into small individual ones.

Mara des Bois Strawberries from runners

~ Strawberries ~ march Florence Fennel

I plant fennel indoors in individual pots like parsley until they are big enough to transplant.

march Sweetcorn and concurbits ( courgettes & cucumbers)

I plant indoors in individual pots, slightly more than needed. Beds are prepared for them to be planted out together in May once the chance of late frosts have gone. They will not survive the chill.

march Tomatoes (Outdoor)

I will plant a few of these indoors in compost in individual pots.Last Year I said I wouldn't bother again because of the blight, but I am going to try spreading a few plants out instead of grouping them in a single bed.I will need to be careful where I put them as they will affect crop rotation.

march Brassicas

I don’t grow many but I will be starting a few off inside to plant up half a bed.

updated march 2020 this month: what to do updated every month next month: what to do updated every month Vegetable Guide practical details on how to begin Companion Planting Crop Rotation herbs
weeds: common annuals& perennials slugs and snails a fresh, detailed, topical item of interest updated every month photo review of the year recipes from our chefs Basil and Doyle fellow plotdiggers share their pictures with us content and photos updated every month

Isn't Walter a star? Any questions or comments? Don't get in a flap, send an e mail winging its way to me.

© Chris Smallbone march2022

Hits since
Sept 2005