

~Claire's Plot before~

Claire's Plot: Before

april Claire has sent me these photographs which show what ingenuity and hard work can achieve.

~ Claire's Plot after~
Claire's Plot: After
april She has built well stocked beds with mulched walkways.

~ Claire's Plot after~
Claire's Plot: After

aprilI received these photos recently. Claire took the first one when she took the plot over in October 2011. The others show how she has transformed the previous wasteland. Brilliant!

~Ann's Plot~
Ann's Plot in April

june Ann sent me these photos at the end of April. Unfortunately I have been unable to revamp dig your plot until now.

~ Ann's Plot ~
Ann's Plot in April
june She has added a new fence ,and built this new fruit cage, with the help of her cousin who cultivates the adjacent plot.

~ Ann's Plot ~
Dawn's Plot: at first
june Dawn's handiwork featured in the 2006 review, and she has sent me an update.Currently Dawn is growing broad beans, peas, sugar snap peas, onions, garlic, parsnips, carrots, shallots, broccoli, beetroot, salad onions, yellow mangels, turnips, swede, purple sprouting, potatoes, courgettes, squashes, melon, sweetcorn, green beans, runner beans.She has also planted some perennial items, a range of herbs, an apple tree a crab apple, a nectarine, an apricot, 3 blue berries 3 gooseberriess, 2 goji berries and rhubarb. Hey it's probably easier to say whay she isn't growing! ~ Dawn's plot ~
Dawn's Plot in May

june Dawn has been accessing her local Starbucks for free coffee grounds as they are ph neutral and high in nitrogen so are great for brassicas.She also reports success with "chitting" parsnip seeds on damp kitchen roll, which is a very good idea to overcome the problem of having to keep them damp in order to get them started. A good tip, like those top ten ones Dawn originally supplied for the "Getting Started" section.Nice one Dawn.


Just send me a photo (preferably jpeg or gif,
and I’ll put it in next month’ s gallery)

~Colin's Plot before~
Colin's Plot: Before

june Colin has sent me these photographs which show how he has transformed his allotment.

~ Colin's Plot after~
Colin's Plot: After
june He has installed beds and planted them up.

~ Colin's Plot after~
Colin's Plot: After

juneI received these photos at the end of May.

A special thank you to all contributors for sharing your pictures with us

Isn't Walter a star? Any questions or comments? Don't get in a flap, send an e mail winging its way to me.
Click Walter to contact me

updatedaugust2007 this month: what to do updated every month next month: what to do updated every month a fresh, detailed, topical item of interest updated every month fellow plotdiggers share their pictures with us weeds: common annuals & perennials
content and photos updated every month practical details on how to begin Crop Rotation Companion Planting herbs
slugs and snails fellow plotdiggers share their pictures with us recipes from our chefs Basil and Doyle photo review of the year

URL http://www.digmyplot.co.uk